Jörg Schnitger writer, director, producer
2021 / Dramedy / TRIARTE INTERNATIONAL and Schnitger Film
Cast: (in order of appearance): Josefina Vilsmaier, Mirijam Verena Jeremic,
Salber Williams, Silke Popp, Valentina Sauca, Ute Bronder
Screenplay, Producerin & Director: Brigitte Drodtloff
Screenplay, Producer: Jörg Schnitger
Director of Photography: Frank Glencairn
Music, Producer: Anne Nikitin
Production: Triarte International, Schnitger Film, Anne Nikitin Music Limited
LOS(GE)LASSEN – an emotional-epic dramedy
On one morning, six completely different women in one apartment are dependent on each other against their will. They have a row before they get together – being a matter of life and death.